My work, my ideas, my faith, my life

To President Barack Obama

An Open Letter

By Rex Goode

Categories: Philosophy,Politics

Dear Mr. President,

I’m not much of anyone, really. This blog isn’t well-read either. I don’t have much hope that you’ll read this, but I still want to say it. In some ways, I regret that I’ve waited until your successor has been chosen to express myself. (more…)

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Copyright 2025, Inner Vessel Productions.

Ink And Hardware

The New Good Samaritans

By Rex Goode

Categories: Culture,General,Personal

By Toglenn - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

By Toglenn – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0

I’m trying to overcome some of my disabilities, particularly the one that makes me need a scooter when I shop in big stores. I have a really hard time walking around in a place like a Walmart. The tile-over-concrete floors, the pace, and my aching joints makes it pretty hard. Fortunately, a lot of places have scooters to lend and when I need one, I’ve no problem using one.

I’m working hard to not need them, but for now, I do. Even with a scooter, there are a lot of problems with shopping in a big store. Most of the problems are people. If I had a taser, I’d probably use it for every idiot that blocks my way, runs across my path forcing me to stop suddenly, or comes flying out of an aisle without even looking. (more…)

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Copyright 2025, Inner Vessel Productions.

Take Back Your Timeline

Cleaning Up Your Facebook Apps

By Rex Goode

Categories: Culture,How To,Social Work,Software Engineering

Pieter Huys, "Woman Enranged", Circa 1517

Pieter Huys, “Woman Enraged”
Circa 1517

With a smart phone and a Facebook account, many people are finding a way to entertain themselves any time of day and in almost any circumstance. If you’re an avid Facebook user, you’ve probably used your smart phone to see what your friends are finding interesting, whether in the world of entertainment, politics, religion, or world events, you can pass the time while you’re waiting in a reception area, parked waiting for someone you are picking up, relaxing at home, or any number of other places.

You can watch videos, look at pictures, read news stories, chat with friends, respond to discussions, and keep yourself entertained almost anywhere. Beware that it doesn’t take you over and start to affect your in-person relationships. Also beware that it doesn’t embarrass you and expose some of the private stuff you might use it for. (more…)

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Copyright 2025, Inner Vessel Productions.

The Magically Mysterious and Superstitious Backup Plan

Battling Murphy’s Law

By Rex Goode

Categories: General,Personal,Philosophy

astyptickeysI’m not one of those men who enjoys shaving. It’s an inconvenient, annoying, and often dangerous necessity. I hated it so much that for one period of my life, I just let it grow. I had a very nice beard and I thought I looked kind of cool in it. Best thing of all, I didn’t have to shave. (more…)

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Copyright 2025, Inner Vessel Productions.

I Fly Through the Air With the Greatest of Ease

But My Landings Need Some Work

By Rex Goode

Categories: History,Personal,Social Work

Definitely Not Me

Definitely Not Me

Like many boys, I thought about joining the circus. I was never afraid of heights and the trapeze looked like fun. I was pretty sure of my footing. When I was young and engaged, Barbara thought I was crazy for fearlessly walking across logs or close to edges.

I’m still good at balance when it comes to balancing things on my head, but I seem to have lost all sense of balance in my legs. I’ve been become a class-A klutz. (more…)

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Copyright 2025, Inner Vessel Productions.

I Hate Falling

And I Don’t Think It Is Funny

By Rex Goode

Categories: Culture,Health,Personal

Me on Eagle Creek Trail new Cascade Locks Trail

Me on Eagle Creek Trail
Near Cascade Locks

Yesterday, I pulled into a gas station to get gas. As I waited, I saw in my rear view mirror, an attendant trip on something and start to fall. I instantly had a knot in my stomach and felt my muscles tightening. Fortunately, he caught himself and was fine.

When I was young, I was quite agile and confident in situations where the possibility of falling existed. I could cross logs with ease, walk up rocky trails, stand on the end of cliffs, and walk without fear.

When I was getting to know Barbara, we attended a conference for young single adult Latter-day Saints at Lewis and Clark College. Near the campus, perhaps on it, was a wooded area with a deep stream and a fallen log across it. I walked across the log with barely a thought until Barbara started to fret about it. She said that I reminded her of a mountain goat. I was filled with confidence.


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Copyright 2025, Inner Vessel Productions.

Not Feeling Overloaded

And Wishing I Were

By Rex Goode

Categories: C and C++,Java,Object-Oriented Programming,Uncategorized

I just completed a project for a biochemist using Java to create a tool for some analysis work. I’m being vague about the nature of the project because it’s confidential and not complete. I just wanted to celebrate a little by talking about it.

I first learned object-oriented program using C++ a very long time ago and it really appealed to me. I was self-taught. Then, one day, when working for a consulting company, I got the opportunity for my employer to pay for a week-long class in Java. I liked the way it relied on the same concepts of C++ I had come to enjoy: classes, object, and polymorphism. What it doesn’t do is operator overloading. Well, there are some other things it doesn’t do, but that’s my biggest beef.

I liked the term “overloading” because it sounded like the way I eat or the way I sometimes run my life.  Sad, eh? In fact, my overloading with food has caused me no end of polymorphisizing (new word I just made up). I kind of inherited this. Most people in my family I have known have gone from skinny to fat in a very short time. What I’m waiting for is the point where they got skinny again.

In my instance, I’m still a pretty big object. Don’t worry, I still have class.

So, if this post seems a little abstract, you’re catching on.

Let me encapsulate this post. There is a method to my madness. Object-oriented programmers will figure it out.

Let me just say this. I’d rather be a constructor than a destructor, anyday.

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Copyright 2025, Inner Vessel Productions.

Forum Restrict

My New WordPress Plugin

By Rex Goode

Categories: AJAX,Javascript,PHP,Software Engineering

Forum Application ScreenIntroducing my new WordPress plugin, Forum Restrict. made to function as a companion to the bbPress bulletin board system. It solves a problem that I have encountered in needing to restrict access to certain forums on my web sites to certain users. (more…)

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Copyright 2025, Inner Vessel Productions.

True to Form

Altogether More Tractable

By Rex Goode

Categories: AJAX,Javascript,XML

This post is for web developers who are familiar with the HTML, XML, and Javasript languages. Some of my usual readers won’t be interested. Feel free to read it anyway, but I didn’t make a big effort to start from the basics.
Of Ajax, epic character in the Trojan War, it was said by William Shakespeare in the voice of Agamemnon, comparing Ajax to Achilles, “You are as strong, as valiant, as wise, no less noble, much more gentle, and altogether more tractable (Troilus and Cressida).” I beg to differ. (more…)

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Copyright 2025, Inner Vessel Productions.

Some Don’t Like It Hot

My Hate Affair with Summer

By Rex Goode

Categories: General,Personal,Uncategorized

Arizona Desert

I am a proud native of the state of Arizona and an even prouder resident of the moderate state of Oregon. Not to be a traitor, but I love my adopted home state. I don’t like my biological home state so much. (more…)

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