I just completed a project for a biochemist using Java to create a tool for some analysis work. I’m being vague about the nature of the project because it’s confidential and not complete. I just wanted to celebrate a little by talking about it.
I first learned object-oriented program using C++ a very long time ago and it really appealed to me. I was self-taught. Then, one day, when working for a consulting company, I got the opportunity for my employer to pay for a week-long class in Java. I liked the way it relied on the same concepts of C++ I had come to enjoy: classes, object, and polymorphism. What it doesn’t do is operator overloading. Well, there are some other things it doesn’t do, but that’s my biggest beef.
I liked the term “overloading” because it sounded like the way I eat or the way I sometimes run my life. Sad, eh? In fact, my overloading with food has caused me no end of polymorphisizing (new word I just made up). I kind of inherited this. Most people in my family I have known have gone from skinny to fat in a very short time. What I’m waiting for is the point where they got skinny again.
In my instance, I’m still a pretty big object. Don’t worry, I still have class.
So, if this post seems a little abstract, you’re catching on.
Let me encapsulate this post. There is a method to my madness. Object-oriented programmers will figure it out.
Let me just say this. I’d rather be a constructor than a destructor, anyday.
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