My work, my ideas, my faith, my life

Some Like It Hot

My Love Affair with Capsicum

By Rex Goode

Categories: Cooking,Health,Interests

My mother was wonderful and I loved her very much. There are so many things she taught me and was such a great example to me of perseverance and determination. Among the things she taught me, perhaps not quite as inspirational as others, was to love spicy food!


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Copyright 2025, Inner Vessel Productions.

My Wife Never Takes a Shower

By Rex Goode

Categories: Culture,Family,Language,Personal

My wife never takes a shower or a bath. Shocked? I am too. (more…)

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Copyright 2025, Inner Vessel Productions.

The Lord’s Prayer

By Rex Goode

Categories: Personal

Today in church I will be singing The Lord’s Prayer, a musical setting of from Matthew 6:9-13 composed by Albert Hay Malotte. Because I’m basically a basso profundo, I will be singing it in the key of G major. (more…)

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Copyright 2025, Inner Vessel Productions.

Senior Vocal Recital

By Rex Goode

Categories: Creativity,Personal

In December 2006, I graduated from Concordia University in Portland, Oregon. I received a Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) degree. As part of my senior year, I decided to take voice lessons for senior credit. My teacher was Konstantin Kvach. He was magnificent. (more…)

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Copyright 2025, Inner Vessel Productions.

Blueberry-Buttermilk Smoothie

By Rex Goode

Categories: Cooking,Family,Interests

Julia Child

Of the many things I don’t understand, one of the biggest is why people don’t like buttermilk. I love it. Very few things make me want to lick the container. It is so utterly delicious that I almost cry for joy when I drink it. I know it’s a little dramatic, but that’s me.

I was watching Julia Child one day on one of those cooking shows where she had a guest chef. I don’t remember what was being made. I think it was some kind of fruit tart. I just remember that at the end of the show Julia tasted the item. She broke out into tears of joy. Now, who wouldn’t want to cook something so well that it made Julia Child cry? It was that good! That is the way I feel about buttermilk. (more…)

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Copyright 2025, Inner Vessel Productions.


By Rex Goode

Categories: BASH,Mailing List,PHP,Software Engineering

I host my websites through and have been generally happy with their service. They respond quickly and helpfully to support requests. I have no real complaints. One area that has been a problem that has not been solved is related to the many mailing lists I host.


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Copyright 2025, Inner Vessel Productions.

Thud and Blood

By Rex Goode

Categories: Interests,Personal

PIC_0106Last month, I was invited to go fourwheeling. I had only done it once before and that was a few years ago. It took me some time to get used to how to operate the one I was using. (more…)

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Copyright 2025, Inner Vessel Productions.

What Not to Wear

By Rex Goode

Categories: General

troubleSo, we’re down in California for the birth of our latest grandchild. While our daughter and grandchild were still in the hospital, our son-in-law asked us to go to the grocery store a pick up a few things. We were happy to help (more…)

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Copyright 2025, Inner Vessel Productions.

Does Your Face Hurt?

By Rex Goode

Categories: Personal

facehurtYesterday in Portland, the weed pollen count was very high. I was out in the community teaching a client how to get around town in the Portland transit system known as Tri-Met. By the end of the day, my sinuses were plugged up badly, my eyes were itching like crazy, and my ears were full. (more…)

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Copyright 2025, Inner Vessel Productions.

Not Sure What to Think

By Rex Goode

Categories: Family,Personal,Same-sex Attraction

After my online revelation in Tired of Making It Look Easy, I went to church. I am the music director, meaning that I stand up front during hymns, wave a baton, and try to keep the congregation singing together. People generally look up now and then to watch me, but often I feel like I’m up there alone. (more…)

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Copyright 2025, Inner Vessel Productions.